What Is Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation?

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is an individualized treatment regimen for patients with visual deficits as a direct result of physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, and other neurological insults. Neuro-optometric therapy is a process for the rehabilitation of visual / perceptual / motor disorders. It includes, but is not limited to, acquired strabismus, diplopia, binocular dysfunction, convergence and/or accommodation paresis/paralysis, oculomotor dysfunction, visual-spatial dysfunction, visual perceptual and cognitive deficits, and traumatic visual acuity loss. (Source: www.noravisionrehab.org) 

The Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, known as NORA, is an organization comprised of individuals across many disciplines of medicine who strive to increase awareness and advance treatment of visual disorders that occur after a brain injury, stroke, or neurological disorder.  These visual problems can include: crossed eye, wandering eye, double vision, poor tracking when reading, difficulties with balance, poor visual perception, visual disturbances, and difficulties with eye-hand coordination.

According to NORA (Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association), "Visual problems are often overlooked during initial treatment of a brain injury and a regular eye exam often does not reveal the extent that the visual process has been affected. Individuals who have experienced some sort of neurological insult or injury, and who are experiencing visual symptoms, can benefit from a vision assessment from a Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Optometrist, an eye care professional who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of neurological conditions adversely affecting the visual system."

Treatments can include specialized glasses that help to alleviate symptoms and improve visual perception, as well as other activities and exercises designed to improve visual function and further decrease symptoms.

To learn more, check out www.noravisionrehab.org or www.covd.org

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